August 11, 2010


Saturday morning before the wedding we took Ty to the capitol. It was so beautiful. We walked around the grounds to the visitor center where Ty got to listen to the history of Texas on an old time telephone. He also got to buy some souvenirs. Then it was onto the capitol building...Tylor had the best seat in the house to look up at the Texas star. I was jealous, because when you are on your feet and looking up it makes you dizzy. It was neat to see all the pictures of the past Governors of Texas on the walls of each floor. After the going through the building we toured the grounds a little more and then headed for the hotel to rest.
Tylor on the old time telephone

This is what Ty is looking at in the above picture
After our nap it was wedding time!! Tylor looked so handsome in his plaid shorts and polo shirt (who am I kidding he always looks handsome). The wedding was beautiful and Ty stayed awake the whole time because he had his eye on the bride, Kristen. After dinner Ty and I went back to the hotel to get some rest because the rest of our trip was going to be very busy.

Tylor looking good at the wedding

Sunday we toured the University of Texas campus and bought our hook'em horns attire.

UT Campus

UT football stadium
Then it was off to Lockhart to Sy's aunt and uncle's house. They have a beautiful backyard with a pool, we spent most of our time there on Sunday and Monday. We even got to see some lizards around the pool. Tuesday we relaxed in the house, it was 101 degrees out!!

Ty after a day of swimming

Wednesday we headed to San Antonio. We went to the river walk and took a boat tour. After the boat tour we ate at a Mexican restaurant where Tylor was serenaded. He thought the one girl was very pretty!! Next was the Alamo. We got to see lots of old guns and knives and even the room where the women and children went during the battle. Tylor got so see the little room they used as their hospital and be both agreed it didn't look very comfortable. Even though we were all tired and hot we had one more stop to make...Cowboys training camp!!! I am a Cowboys fan so I was tickled to go see them, Tylor on the other hand fell asleep. From San Antonio we headed back to Austin. We were scheduled to leave Thursday night so we wanted to get packed and organized because we had more plans for Thursday morning. And before we went to bed we found a scorpion in Sherry's house...yikes!

The river walk

Cillin' on the boat ride

Ty liked the one in the middle

Gotta love Texas!!
Thursday we drove around Lake Travis, wow is it beautiful! The water is so blue and the houses were huge. We wanted to go to the flea market but because it was during the week there were not a lot of vendor so we decided to skip it. We grabbed lunch and went to Sherry's to rest before our drive. We left Austin at 7pm and made it to Kansas City by 6:40am, we made great time and Tylor stayed awake most of the time. We stay in Kansas City until 10am and then we were back on the road. We finally arrived in Dubuque at 5:30pm.

Tylor had a great trip. Even with all the activity and heat Ty's seizure remained very low!!! Now that we are back home he is back on schedule and doing great. Physical therapy was a little hard yesterday but after missing three weeks in a row what can we expect.
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