January 26, 2013

NPC Press Release on the Cyclodextrin Trial

Tylor is happy to announce along with the NIH........Drum Roll Please

Dear Families and Friends,
The NNPDF central office received the following press release from the National Institute of Health (NIH) NPC Clinic from Dr. Forbes "Denny" Porter with an update on the Cyclodextrin Trial.
Click Here to see the press release.

January 12, 2013

NIH Clinic Trial is a GO!!!

Posted: 11 Jan 2013 02:42 PM PST
Dear Families and Friends,

The NNPDF central office received the following update from the National Institute of Health (NIH) NPC Clinic from Dr. Forbes "Denny" Porter.

"We were informed today that the FDA has removed the clinical hold on the hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin trial. We are planning to enroll the first patient in two weeks. This trial is a major step in trying to determine if this is a safe and biochemically effective drug for NPC. Our goal is to use data from this trial to optimize the design of a larger second trial focused on clinical efficacy. Thank you for your help and support!
The TRND Team"

To follow updates and breaking news visit the Cyclodextrin page on the NNPDF web site.